It’s a new year and a clean slate.  What’s something you’ve been wanting to do but are too scared?

Is there something “out of the box” for you that you can do to bring a smile to your face?  A little joy to your heart?  A little skip in your step?

It’s amazing what one small thing can do to bring you joy and a whole new outlook.

I love the Indianapolis Colts.  I have my office decorated with a Colts tree and snowman and a Colts tabletop totem pole.  I am wearing a Colts necklace and have Colts license plates on my car.  All pretty “safe.”

But today I went outside my box and brought a little skip in my step and a broad smile to my face.  I had my nails done….in Colts blue with sparkles on top! haha

Maybe it’s not a big deal for you but for me this is definitely outside of my red, maroon and burnt orange nail polish box.  It’s a skip-in-my-step start!

New year.  New opportunities.  New box of fun.  What will you do to step out of the box and add a little skip to your step?