Have you ever hit a deep pothole when driving?  It’s this huge, deep, surprising jar not only to your vehicle but to your whole body.  It can shake you to the very core of your teeth.

It’s maddening.  How did such a large pit get in the road and someone in charge did not realize it was there?  Why were there not warning signs of a pothole ahead?

Now I’m not a highway engineer but I suppose the everyday flow of vehicles continue to roll over the asphalt and gradually a portion of the road chips away eventually forming a hole.  Then without much notice the daily flow of routine traffic causes a portion of the blacktop to keep falling deeper and deeper until a small pit has been created…hence the pothole!

The pothole pit can cause damage not only to the vehicle that hits it but to the overall road itself because if it isn’t filled up and sealed, it will continue to grow larger and eventually ruin the road.

Our sin is like a big ole pothole pit.

We get in a daily routine of doing of our own thing and forget about filling our heart and mind and soul with God’s Word and His spirit.  We get so busy with the demands of life that we forget to do our routine checkups and before we know it, we’re in a pothole.  We are depressed, angry with the world and have no joy.  We have allowed small things to chip away at our relationship with the Lord.  Maybe we start by just skipping a few days of quiet time and a few weeks of worship service.

We start minimizing sin and think participating in what we once labeled as “destructive behavior” is okay because it “makes me feel good”.  Then before we know it, we’re in the pothole – the pit of sin and we need to be restored.

My friend, it is never too late to be restored… until we take our last breath.

God is right there with solutions to fill up the pit.  He is waiting for us to ask Him to restore us.  He will fill our soul with joy and peace faster than the highway garage can fill in a pothole.  He wants to restore our soul and seal up our salvation.

If you’re living on top of the world one day and in the pothole pit the next day, it’s normal.  The devil can wreak havoc on us.  But the good news is Jesus can restore our joy and peace with just the simple act of the request and by putting our trust in Him.

Let’s ask Him to fill the pothole of sin in our lives with His outstanding peace, joy and forgiveness so that we can continue through our journey on this road of life filled with the freedom of salvation.