“Put your hands in the air and wave ’em like you just don’t care.”

That’s a line from a funny scene in the movie, Grown Ups 2 with Adam Sandler and Kevin James.   Shaquille O’Neal plays a police officer in the movie and plays a trick on the group and pulls a gun on them and tells them to put their hands in the air.

Very concerned they all do this as told and then while the group is standing in a parking lot, grocery bags in hand, hands over their heads, Shaq says “and wave them like you just don’t care” and then they all breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy a laugh together.

There are a lot of reasons we put our hands in the air:  cheering, playing sports, waving, dancing, climbing and praising Jesus – just to name a few.

I Timothy 2:8 says “I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.”

I wish our government could take this verse to heart.  Instead of hands being lifted in anger and fingers pointing in accusations and dispute, I just wish both sides of the aisle would lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing but rather with love and unity.

I don’t get political in my blogs and I’m not going to change that now, but I do ask you to join me in praying specifically for our country and its leaders from the smallest of local councils to the highest office in the land that all will raise their hands in prayer without anger and dispute and praise the name of Jesus.

Forgive us, Lord and continue to bless this great land we call America.