This verse just keeps coming to me this week:  James 4:7-8(a).  “Submit yourselves, then to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Come near to God and He will come near to you.”

This was the key verse spoken repeatedly in the movie, War Room.  It is one we need to repeat often in our everyday lives as well.

Worry and anxiousness are opposite of faith.  And anything opposite of faith in God is NOT of Him but rather of the devil.

Today, I’m going to try to rest in God’s presence and submit myself to Him by turning my worries and anxiousness over to Him.  Then I’m going to tell the devil, out loud, to get away from me and from my family and park myself near to God.  Because the Bible says if we submit ourselves to God, resist the devil that he will flee from us.  He will flee….he will run, run, run because when we come near to God and God comes near to us, the devil has to flee.

No one can out power our God!

I hope you join me in this rest and relaxation as we watch him run, run as fast as he can!