Road trips.
Snow days.
Driving through the mountains.

Why do I love all of these things?  Because they all involve simplifying and living with the basics.

When taking road trips and driving through the mountains and camping, you take the basic necessities.  It usually consists of food, water, flashlights, basic clothes and a few toiletries.  You make do with what you have available.  It’s fun eating snacks in the car or making dinner over the campfire or stopping along the road side for a picnic lunch.  Simple things.

I love when everything is cancelled on snow days.  We stay home and cook and bake and watch TV, not going anywhere.  Simple days.

What do all of those have in common with my spirit?  Why am I so at peace with all of those things?  It’s because everything is simple.  Back to the basics.

That’s how accepting life with Christ can be.  It’s simple.  It’s basic.  In Acts 16:31, Paul and Silas told the jailer that all he had to do to be saved was, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.”  Seems simple enough.

John 3:16 is so familiar that sometimes it loses its meaning when we quote it.  But it is powerful:  For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  (NIV)  It’s so simple.

Believe.  Salvation.  Live for Jesus.  Eternity in Heaven.
Accepting Christ.  It really is that Simple.
It’s even better than taking a road trip with your camper through the mountains on a snow day!