While driving this weekend, I noticed the obvious signs of fall in full force.  Although it is unseasonably warm here in Indiana, the landscape confirms it’s fall.  Even if I didn’t have a calendar or a watch, I would know it was the fall season.

Beautiful colored leaves on the trees in orange and yellow, brown and red.  Farm equipment in full force bringing in the harvest.  The sun dawns later and sets earlier.  Pumpkins and gourds decorate the porches of homes and trick or treaters skip their way from house to house gathering sweets.

Yes.  I would know it was fall even if I didn’t have a calendar.

I was thinking how this linked to our Christian lives.  Would you know it was fall if you didn’t know what date it was?  How about your life?  Would others know you were a Christian if they didn’t see you in church?

Do our lives show Christ like the trees show the changing colors to represent fall?  Does our home represent Jesus?  Does our attitude show a loving Spirit representing we are a child of Christ?

It’s easy to see that it’s fall here in Southern Indiana just by the landscape.  Let’s let the landscape of our lives be such that it’s easy for others to see we are Christians.  I pray you have a colorful and beautiful fall season as you represent the One who created it all.