I love the idea of multi-tasking.  I am a list maker and the more I can get done and the quicker I can get it done, the happier I am.  I love being productive and being able to accomplish more than one thing at a time.  That is victory for the list makers of the world!

I am so happy when my washer and dryer and dishwasher are all running at the same time and I am doing another task.  Look at that……….4 things at the same time!!  Mission accomplished!  Productivity at work.

I realized this morning multi-tasking was at work first thing………..I was doing my calf stretches while drinking my energy drink.  I am backing up my phone while writing my blog.  I was at the doctor’s office yesterday and reading my book while waiting in the office – no need to just sit there.  Be productive!

But this morning, while planning out my day off work to see how productive I can be, I realized that even though I start ever morning out with Bible reading and prayer that lately I have been cutting my time with the Lord short.   I am doing the task and marking it off my list, but not really spending quality time with Him.  Praying in the car while driving to work is good from a multi-tasking perspective, but I’m not sure that’s the only quiet time I am supposed to have with the Lord.

Multi-tasking is good when trying to accomplish a lot of chores and things on that to-do list.  Productivity is good and it gets our adrenaline rushing to be able to see how much we accomplish.  But multi-tasking with God is not the relationship He intended.  When we multi-task, we have our minds on a lot of things at once.  And although that could be considered successful to the “productive world”, God wants our FULL attention.

Today as we go through the day and find ways to be the most productive and check the most things off of our to-do list, I pray that you and I will stop multi-tasking for just a little bit and “solo-task” our quiet time with the Lord.  That down time of productivity will be the BEST time of productivity you will have all day!