When you’re little, adults seem to always ask the ultimate question:  “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Kids have the typical answers:  firemen, police officer, princess, mommy, nurse, doctor, vet, zoo keeper, singer or football player.

They answer based on whatever or whoever is the biggest influence in their life at that particular moment.  Maybe their dad is a firemen or a police officer.  Maybe their mom is a nurse.  Maybe they just finished watching Cinderella or a cartoon that leads them to one particular career choice.

There are days I ask myself the same question.  What do I want to be when I grow up?  I’m 51 years old and I enjoy my life.  I love being a wife and a mom.  I enjoy my job.  I love writing and public speaking and trying to encourage people to be all they can be.  But sometimes I ask myself, “is this it?  Is there more?  Did I miss something?  Am I all the way grown up or do I still get to be something else?”  Do you ever do that?

Whatever your career or life goals may be, I hope that the answer to the ultimate question of “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is “a Christian”.  All the money, all the power, all the awards and all the crowns mean nothing if we don’t have that relationship with the One who created it all.

So today as we go through our busy days being moms, doctors, clerks, paralegals, chefs or whatever else, I hope you have the desire to keep on growing up and becoming the best doggone Christian you can be.

What do YOU want to be when YOU grow up?

(I decided to stop the Daily Kindness and Thankful Journey entries at the end of each day because I felt the message was  getting lost in the other part of the devotional.  Please continue being thankful and kind specifically each day.  We will pick up on that journey of habit in the near future.)