by Deanna Young | Aug 4, 2023 | devotional, Helping Hands
I don’t get it. How can people deny there is a God? How can people not realize God created all of this nature around us? No big boom or lab could have done all of this all over the world every year! It’s God, friends!He is everywhere.He is in the middle of it all!...
by Deanna Young | May 22, 2023 | devotional
Man! Geese are aggressive. They certainly are protective of their baby creations. They let those babies go off on their own for a little while and then crank that neck into a J-shape and use that beak to bring them back to the fold. They stay together as a family....
by Deanna Young | Apr 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Customer service.Yes.No.#. 1.Customer service, please.Customer service. Customer service! CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!! Oh my goodness. Those auto answering teleprompter thingys drive me CRAZY!! I just want to talk to a real person. The other day I was trying to get to a real...
by Deanna Young | Jun 27, 2022 | devotional, Hopeful Hearts
It was amazing how much they were the same. One big. One little. Just a mirrored image as they stood there. Same shoes. Same socks. Same hat turned around backwards with the bill pointed downward. Both carrying backpacks holding their travel possessions. They walked...
by Deanna Young | Jun 6, 2022 | Holiday
Who knew? 😊 I remember playing with yo-yo’s as a kid. I was so excited when I could get that thing sliding up and down that string fast and furious with ease. According to National Calendar Days website, it is believed the yo-yo was first invented in ancient...