Know It All

You know the kind.  You “wonder” about something out loud and they have the answer.  You ask a question and they know where to find it, when to use it, where to store it and how to remove it. You tell a story and they have one that is “better than...

Clumsy Me!

I can’t even begin to tell you the crazy things I’ve done over the years due to my clumsiness.  My daughters are athletic.  My husband is athletic.  And then there’s me.  I’m not too bad at volleyball but otherwise………clumsy....

The Junk Drawer

We all have one. Usually it’s the messiest drawer in the house containing things that we just don’t know what to do with but find that we just can’t part with.  Sometimes it becomes so full, it can’t be opened.  Then we have no time to clean...