Tender Hands

Tender Hands

They hold infants. They help babies crawl. They shoot basketballs. They climb monkey bars. They play the piano. They paint a masterpiece. They drive a car. They text on a phone. They write term papers. They wear wedding rings. They hold a child’s finger. They...

Positive Thought For The Day

Do all the good you can.  By all the means you can.  In all the ways you can.  In all the places you can.  At all the times you can.  To all the people you can.  As long as ever you can.    – John Wesley

Bag Rag Mags

Standing at the check out counter, we are tempted to read all of the “rag magazines” eager to tell us all of the gossip of the day. Some of the stories are absolutely outlandish.  Celebrity A having lunch with an alien.  Celebrity B having plastic surgery to make her...