As we think about our freedom today and celebrate with food and fireworks, we cannot forget to thank those who fought for our freedoms and also for those who are still serving whether in the United States or abroad.

You probably heard the story of how actress Amy Adams gave up her first class seat on an airplane to a soldier.  She tried to do it secretly but someone recognized her and with social media today, it became a story across the world.  She gave us hope that there are still kind people in this world and she reminded us to appreciate all that our armed forces continue to do for our country.

I challenge you through the whole month of July to thank every person you see or know who has served our country.  Send a card to that person.  If you see someone wearing a “veteran” hat, thank them.  If you are eating dinner out and see someone in their military attire, pay for their meal.  Take cupcakes to the local American Legion.  Wear red, white or blue today.  Fly a flag proudly.  Pray for the leaders of our world, country, state, city and school.

Like Amy Adams, you too can make a difference to those who have served or continue to serve our country.  Remember how blessed we are to live in the greatest country in the world. God Bless America!