I had several things weighing heavy on my mind and I just said out loud to God, “please show me something that will take this burden off of me.  Please.”  I walked into my office and honestly, had very little hope that the Lord was going to be so bold.

But then the picture on my desk of Jennifer Hudson’s Weight Watcher ad (which I keep on my desk for motivation) caught my eye.  “BELIEVE. Because it works.”  Of course it was referring to the tagline for Weight Watchers but God whispered to me, “I mean it.  Believe. Because it works.”  And He wasn’t referring to Weight Watchers!

I smiled and then my eye drifted to this little sign on my desk that said “when in doubt, pray”.  I smiled again.  Then God used this canvas print that I look at everyday (but have basically become immune to) to smack me right in the face.  Not literally but figuratively.  It said “The Lord has promised good to me.”

Then I laughed out loud and said, “OK, Lord.  I get it.  Believe that you’ve got it all under control.  I need to let it go and let you handle everything.  You will bring YOUR good to me.”

So I did.  And I am.  And hopefully I won’t take it back again….. or you’ll get to read another post about how I let it go and took it back and let it go again and took it back again! hahahaha

Share with me when the Lord showed up in a bold way in your life.