I love balloons.  I love that balloons are available in so many colors!

Balloons announce the birth of a child.
Balloons celebrate birthdays.
Balloons bring joy at the celebration of a newly married couple.
Balloons bring encouragement to those who are sick.
Balloons bring hope to those who are depressed.
Balloons bring smiles.
Balloons bring laughter.

The downside of having a balloon though is when all the air runs out of it.  It starts sagging and then before we know it, the balloon is flat and shriveled up.

I think sometimes our lives get like those balloons.  When we are filled with God’s peace and joy, we are so excited to celebrate and encourage; to smile and bring laughter and joy to others.  But then life can start sucking the air out of us.  We have negative things that enter our lives and deflate our balloons – sadness, betrayal, sin, sickness, busyness, loss of job, death, wayward child, divorce, or financial issues.  There are many things in this life that can deflate our balloons of joy.  But we cannot let them stay deflated!

Sin is what deflates our balloon.  And Joy is what will fill it up again.  Do not let the devil and his wicked schemes keep the air out of your balloon.  No matter what your situation is today, there is hope.  God can change sadness to joy.  He can find a way when there seems to be no way.   Remember that nothing is impossible with God.  Matthew 19:26, Jesus said, ” With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Don’t give up.  Keep praying.  Keep having hope.  No circumstance is too big for God to handle.  Let Him fill  your balloon today with joy so that you can again soar high and live the joy-filled life He intended!    Romans 15:13 – May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.