When I was growing up, Advent meant a daily reading from December 1 to Christmas from a specially prepared devotion giving scriptures from the Bible as we learned more about the events that surrounded the birth of Jesus.

Now “Advent” has become a word that means “Countdown to Christmas”.  Don’t get me wrong…I love this time of year.  I still do my daily advent readings and I also do my own advent countdown with fun Christmas things to do everyday from the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas.  They include baking, Christmas cards, wrapping, shopping, caroling, special gift giving to those off of the ordinary list, making a gingerbread house, and looking at Christmas lights.

This year I did an advent countdown for my great-nephew of a pattern for a Lego® build each day.  I see many countdowns on the Pinterest® app of everything from a piece of candy to an act of kindness a day.

Do you do an Advent countdown?  Whatever kind of countdown you do anticipating Christmas, let’s remember to include the Advent countdown to Jesus as we anticipate His birth surrounding the Christmas season.

Can you just imagine living in Bible days and being Mary and Joseph anticipating THE birth of THE Savior?!! Take time today to read Luke 2 and remember all of the anticipation and excitement surrounding the birth of this Special Child as we celebrate the real Advent countdown.