Proverbs 16:9 – In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

I love watching a baby take its first steps. They wrap those little fingers around the hands that hold them and try to put one foot in front of the other.  They are kind of wobbly and unsure of what they are doing yet really excited that something new is happening.  They have this “feeling” that there is something more out there and their desire to move overwhelms them.  I think they realize this movement will get them places and yet they are kind of scared to do it.  Once they take a few steps,  they just keep wanting to do it more and more.  Then finally they master the skill and enjoy all the experiences that come with being mobile!

WAH LAH!!  Freedom…………there’s no stopping them now!

What is your “baby steps” fear?  What is it that you are unsure of, yet you have this exciting feeling that something new is happening and God wants to take you there?  What is it that you are scared to take the first step toward, yet you know once you do you will be on the right path to experiencing a whole new world God has for you?

I encourage you today to take the first step.  Yes, it will be a baby step.  And you will be wobbly and unsure where it is taking you.  You won’t know how long it will take to master the skill and finish the project.  Yes, you will be scared.  But you will be excited.  Reach up and take God’s hand and let him lead you through these baby steps.  Freedom and excitement is just around the corner.  You just have to stand up and take the first step.  Baby steps…… at a time….holding on to the Father’s hand.  How exciting!

I would love to hear what baby steps you took today…………send me an email at  I would love to pray for you as you begin this new and exciting journey.