As I try to write today all that keeps coming to the forefront of my mind is Ephesians 6:12:  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against…..the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

This means our struggle is not against people but against the devil, people’s SIN and sin that is in this world.  Fight the devil by praying AGAINST him and against the sin of the world.

Be the light that shines.  Be positive.  What kind thing can you do for someone today?  What positive thing can you say?  Our challenge today is to be positive.  No negative words.  No negative attitudes.  Fight against the devil by taking time to pray…. and being positive.

Try it today and see how it works.  If it works today, maybe we can try it again tomorrow.

BE POSITIVE and PRAY.  And watch how God works!  Satan….you’re goin’ down!