Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.    Philippians 4:6-7

I used to go to my mother-in-law for advice on different things that a mother just seems to know about.  She was always so careful to not overstep her boundaries as a mother-in-law but give me good, sound advice to my questions.  Since she passed away, there are times I certainly wish she were here to give me that third-party sound advice.

I can’t remember exactly how this came about but a butterfly became our families’ symbol of remembrance of Genieve after she passed away.  Anytime we see a butterfly we think of her.  For me, a yellow butterfly is the specific symbol that she is with me and one always seems to show up at just the right time.

Today as I was riding my bike,  I was praying about a specific thing for which I normally would have gone to Genieve for advice. I felt like I knew the answer but was still praying for direction.  I asked God to help me feel peace about the decision and to somehow show me a sign.

I love riding my bike on a crisp “end of summer/start of autumn” day, sun shining bright, fields of crops showing signs of harvest, birds singing………and butterflies flying……oh my…..yes, yellow butterflies – about 20 of them all along my riding path.  Prayers answered.  Direction confirmed.  Thank you, God for confirmation and peace……and thank you, Genieve.

I love yellow butterflies.