This is the third post in my series of “Come on Down” as a play on words of the Price Is Right show.

How many times do we not do things because we are afraid we might fail?

We have such fear of failure.  But just because something doesn’t work the exact way we intended, doesn’t mean it’s a failure.

Thomas A. Edison said:  “I have not failed.  I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

That’s how we need to look at our lives.  We miss out on so many blessing that God has in store for us because we are afraid to step out to do what he is calling us to do because we are afraid we might fail.  If we don’t succeed the way we wish we would have, then we need to pick ourselves up and try again.

Just remember as a Christian, your desire to please God and do His will must be greater than your fear of failure.

Come on down…….The Price Is Right………to let go of “failure what ifs” and grasp “success what ifs”.  What if you succeed?  What if you realize this is what you are called to do and you missed out on wonderful blessings?!  Take a chance……if you start to fall, God will catch you!  And when you are in His arms, there is no fear of failure!