This is the second post in my series of “Come on Down” as a play on words of the Price Is Right show.

Is God calling you to do something but you keep ignoring it?  Is he saying to “come on down” – step out of your seat and do this one thing for me?  What is it that you know God wants you to do for Him but you are afraid of what people will think?   You are afraid people will talk about you and how crazy you are for doing it.  You are afraid people will think you are a Jesus freak and not want to hang around you anymore.  You are afraid your friends may abandon you.

If people talk about you, I will bet deep down they are really jealous wishing they had these opportunities or they wish they were brave enough to step out and do what they feel they should do.  If truth be told, they probably really admire you.

Let me assure you that if it is God calling you to step out in faith for Him to do something He is calling you to do, then none of those things matter.  If people talk about you and think you are a freak or your friends don’t want to hang around you because you are doing work for the Lord, then look at it as a way that God is protecting you and blessing you for doing His work.  Only good will come from doing the Lord’s will.  Romans 8:28 (NIV) – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Do you want to start a prayer group or Bible study?
Do you want to start working with teens?
Do you want to teach a class?
Do you want to help those in need – those who are sick, down trodden, lonely, homeless, abandoned?
Do you want to volunteer for a hospital or an organization where you can reach others and show God’s love to them?

Whatever it is you are being called by God to do, do not let what you think other people will think about you stop you from doing it.  Because when you get to heaven, I think your reward comes from doing the things God asked you to do………..and not whether or not people talked about how crazy you were!

So step out of your seat…………..and come on down to God’s show.  It’s not the Price Is Right, but I guarantee you that the Price that was Paid is Right for You!