This is the fourth post in my series of “Come on Down” as a play on words of the Price Is Right show.


It is debilitating.  It crushes you.  It keeps you from enjoying life and being all that you can be.  We are our own worst enemy but self-doubt is the enemy to success.   As I was doing research on scriptures pertaining to self-doubt, I came across this article and I thought it said it perfectly.

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We see that Moses, too,  had self-doubt.  One of my favorite stories is found in Exodus 4, specifically Exodus 4:10-12 (NIV) where the Lord is telling Moses that he wants him to lead the Israelite out of Egypt and Moses says “I have never been eloquent in speaking.  I am slow of speech and tongue.” [paraphrased].  And the Lord answered:  “who gave man is mouth?….now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

As I prepare for this speaking opportunity that the Lord gave me, I keep repeating this verse over and over again.  It’s not me who is eloquent in speaking, but it is the Lord who made my mouth and will help me as I speak and use this opportunity He has given me…….that I prayed to have!!!  Self- Doubt……it’s a horrible thing!  God is here to help us.  Self-doubt comes from the devil.   James 4:7 (NIV) – Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Remember who made you.  Remember who overcomes doubt.  Submit to Him.  Resist the self-doubt creator.

Then Come on Down and enjoy the blessings God has already prepared  for you……..the only rule – No Doubting Allowed!