Freshly cut grass.
Corn stalks.
Cinnamon pinecones.
Vanilla candle.
Apple pie baking.
Laundry from the clothes line.
Baby powder.

We smell these things and associate them with some type of emotion or event or season in our lives. Freshly cut grass may remind us of the summer. Cinnamon pinecones reminds us of Christmas. Clorox reminds us of a clean house. Apple pie baking may remind you of your grandma’s house growing up.

It’s also necessary to “smell the roses”. Why is that? Because stopping to smell the roses causes you time to pause……….enjoy a sweet smell……….take in the beauty around you………….and be thankful.

Take the time. Come to your senses. Pay attention to the smell of “memories in the making” and stop……just for a minute………and smell the roses!  Your nose will thank you.