What a great weekend I had getting my “wish my kids were still little” fix!  I got to help a friend with her 6-week-old and 3-year-old boys over the weekend while her husband was out of town.  I had such a great time.  Then Roger and I got to spend a few hours spoiling two more of our favorites from church.

Whether it was changing diapers, rocking a sweet one at 2 a.m., playing with Play-Doh®, wearing a plastic crown and jewelry during a tea party or riding in a dusty tractor, I loved every minute of it.  I miss all the fun things we did when our kids were little and I have been craving some of those moments again.

I love having picnics, coloring Easter eggs and making gingerbread houses with my great-nephews throughout the year also.  And every time I am with children, I am reminded how precious and impressionable these little ones are.

I am so thankful that every one of these children have Christian parents who are impressing godly ways upon their kids every day.  When we first got in the tractor, Roger had his radio playing Christian music and 5-year-old Brance yells out, “This is my favorite song”.  I kind of thought maybe he was being a little dramatic in the excitement of the moment, but then he and his 6-year-old sister began singing along to EVERY WORD of Mercy Me’s “Even If” song!

When we were in the car, these kiddos sang with every Christian song that came on.  They prayed before the meal out loud and it wasn’t a canned prayer.  It was a real from-the-heart prayer.

I was just reminded what we say, what we do, what we watch and what we listen to has such a profound affect on children.  Let that be a great reminder to us all as we go through this week.  You never know the impact your actions and words may have on a child.

Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.