Oh how I am intrigued by the Royal Family in the United Kingdom!  I was up at 4 a.m. that July morning in 1981 watching every second of the coverage of Charles and Diana and their fairy tale wedding.  I loved the dress, the church, the hats, the accents and of course, the beautiful iconic carriage!

My goal was always to try and have dinner with Princess Di.  What a silly goal.  I always thought if she couldn’t have dinner, perhaps we could have tea.  I don’t even like tea but I would choke it down to get to spend time with this Royal Princess.  I knew if she would just meet me, we would be great friends.  🙂

My fascination with the royals continued after Diana’s death and was recharged as Kate Middleton came on the scene with her own unique style – a little bit of modern-day Diana  mixed with the confidence of her own.

Why are we so fascinated with royalty?  You may say you aren’t fascinated with the Royal family who make their home in Buckingham Palace but I bet there is someone of “royalty” that fascinates you – whether they be in Hollywood, Nashville, New York or DC.

But I ask myself this question:  am I as intrigued by the One who is the Prince of Peace as much as I am the Princess of Wales?

I never got to meet Princess Diana and will most likely never meet anyone of the royal family but I do have immediate access to the Prince of Peace.  The Almighty God.  Wonderful Counselor.  Lord of Lords.

I want to read more and follow more and learn more about the Real Royal Family – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  WOW!  I’m so thankful I don’t have to write a letter, fly across the pond, beg and plead to have one second of a glance at royalty.  I can have it all day long – 24/7 365 days a year just by believing in the One and only Jesus.  I get to have a deep relationship with Him.  Tea whenever I want.  Or hot chocolate.  🙂

This carriage ride of the royals will be the ride of our lives to an unbelievable palace where the streets are made of gold and joy fills our souls forever and ever.  I hope we can sit beside each other on this journey where we can all become a part of God’s Royal Family forever.

Princess Deanna???  I like it!  🙂