My daughter moved her things home from college last weekend and basically “dropped” everything in her room.  We had gone down earlier and moved furniture home and stored it.  Then she moved all of her “stuff” home and left the following day to move to Owensboro, KY to start her clinicals to receive her physical therapy degree.  She and a couple other students are staying with a family of one of the students who opened up their home to these girls for the 6 months of clincials.

Therefore, all she really needs is a few basic things……  meaning the rest is left behind in her room.  I slowly opened the door for the first time and walked in there to deliver some laundry and had to calm myself down!  You see, I am somewhat of an organization nut and seeing all this stuff everywhere gave me serious anxiety!

She had told me that she would sort through things and clean it up over the next several weekends and for me to just leave it and it would be best to leave the door closed so I wouldn’t have to see it.  But every time I walked by that closed door, I knew there was chaos on the other side.

It’s exactly how we do with the Lord.  We make a mess of our lives; chaos everywhere.  Then we don’t want any help from Him because He may not do it right according to how we want it done.  We shut the door of our heart and tell Him to stay out until we have the opportunity to organize it ourselves.

But you see – He is standing on the other side of the door just waiting for us to say “come on in and help me organize this mess I’ve made.”  He has a plan that could organize things much better than we can.  He wants to start now and not wait and put it off until we have time.

In Revelation 3:20 Jesus says, “Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me. ”

Jesus is saying “I would like to come in and just spend a little time with you.”  He just wants to come in and hang out with us.   He’s got his own DIY version of organization.  He’s not on Home and Garden TV (HGTV) but I think He may just be the star of Heaven’s Gates TV.  Let Him do a little DIY project on your heart today.