You know the song Do You See What I See?

It has verses – 1)  do you see what I see?  A Star
2) and do you hear what I hear?  A Song
3)  and do you know what I know? A Child

I was wondering what it would be like if we added a verse?  Do you feel what I feel?

Think about how the people in the Christmas story must have felt that cold night that Jesus was born……..Joseph – worried about his wife who was ready to deliver a baby and he wasn’t able to find anywhere for them to stay.  He was trying to be a great husband and have faith in God that Mary was carrying God’s child.  He probably felt overwhelmed.  If he was telling us this story, he may say – do you feel what I felt?

Mary was scared and tired and probably having contractions.  She was humbled in knowing she was carrying God’s child.  She was probably worried that she wouldn’t be a good mom.  She was probably worried about the unsanitary conditions in which her baby was born.  If she was telling us this story – she may say – do you feel what I felt?

Jesus was just a baby but he was probably scared as all babies are coming into the light from the darkness.  He was probably a little uncomfortable lying in a manger that had prickly straw sticking through the cloth and not having fresh, clean Pampers to wear. Emoji If He was telling us this story – He may say – do you feel what I felt?

The Shepherds were terrified (Luke 2:9) and were also probably in awe as the angels spoke and sang to them telling them about this good news of a new baby who was Christ the Lord.  The shepherds then got excited and got together and said “let’s go to Bethlehem!”  If they were telling us this story – they may say – do you feel what I felt?

Today is the birth of Jesus Christ!!!  The real reason we celebrate the season!   As you celebrate the birth of Jesus with family and friends in a warm home with lots of food, think about how Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and the Shepherds felt ……….and then thank God for sending His son……..and for full bellies and joyful celebrations!  I feel blessed……….do you feel what I feel? Merry Christmas!