Have you ever been hiking on trails and you come to a point in the trail where you have to make a choice? You can go one way which may be labeled as longer or more challenging.  Or you can choose to go a different way which may be labeled less challenging and shorter.  You get to choose the path you take.

Every day when we get out of bed, we get to choose the path we take, too. Am I going to be positive or negative?

Is it going to be a good day or a bad day?

The choice is ours.

What if we choose POSITIVE every day?

Think about it:

Magnificent Monday.
Terrific Tuesday.
Wonderful Wednesday.
Thankful Thursday.
Fantastic Friday.
Super Saturday.
Splendid Sunday.

Thank goodness I have dishes to wash because it means I have food to eat.
Thank goodness I have clothes to iron because it means I have something to wear.
Thank goodness I have a car to wash because it means I have something to drive.
Thank goodness I have a floor to sweep because it means I have a house to live in.

We have choices to make each day. We can’t always choose our circumstances but we can choose how we handle them.

I Thessalonians 5:16 says to be joyful always. That means in all circumstances.  How do we do this?  We can do this because our JOY comes from the Lord.  It doesn’t come from our children, our spouses, our jobs or our hobbies.  Joy comes from the Lord and today, I choose Joy.  Today I choose Positive.  Don’t be a negative ninny.  Be a positive piper!

Eenie-Meanie-Miney-Mo – Which Direction Should I Go? Whichever one leads to positive joy.  It’s always a good choice.