I’ve been working on a huge project for Bucket Buddies recently.  I’ve been running around the house trying to keep up on my household chores and then spending a lot of time up and down the steps organizing the items for the buckets.  I probably made 25 trips up and down the steps yesterday.

We have been keeping our daughter’s dog, Payson, while she is doing her clinicals for physical therapy.  Payson likes to be where we are at all times.  But my running up and down the steps was wearing her out!  However, she was doing a good job of keeping up.

I would go downstairs and here she’d come.  I would go back up the steps and she would race in front of me.  I would go back downstairs and here she’d come.  Sometimes she would sit even if I went back upstairs for a bit but then she would always find me.  She just wanted some attention.  Everywhere I would go, there she was!

I started thinking about how God pursues us that way, too.  We get busy running here and there and He just wants us to stop and talk to Him.  We turn our backs on Him and He keeps pursuing us.  Everywhere we go, He’s there.

Payson wanted me to notice her.  She looked at me with those sweet little longing eyes just begging to be noticed.  God does the same thing.  He just wants us to acknowledge Him.  He waits patiently and He never gives up.  He goes up and down and to the ends of the earth to get our attention.

Today, let’s take time to acknowledge Him.  He has our best interest at hand and is holding blessings beyond belief if only we will accept it.  Everywhere we go, He’s there.  And for that, I am thankful!