When I was younger, I had a fear of spiders and snakes and going to the basement in the dark.

As I grew older, my fears changed to things like the fear of not being accepted into my college of choice or fear of not finding a parking space close to the dorm to unload.

Maturity into adulthood found me outgrowing some of those fears but the devil found ways to instill new ones in me – like the fear of failure, the fear of rejection, the fear of not being good enough.

But as I grew spiritually, I also found that there is One who can crush the fear and send the devil packing.

“Do not fear” is written in the Bible 366 times.  One time for each day of the year including leap year! 🙂

God has the power to break strongholds.
God has the power to change outcomes.
God has the power to heal.

It’s hard to wrap my head around it all but I do know that my God can crush the devil.  And when that happens, fear doesn’t have a chance.  I’m standing in His love!