I was reading something several years ago about having a “word of the year”.  I’ve done this in the past.  One year my word was JOY.  My favorite word is BELIEVE so I chose it one year.  Another year it was RELAX.  I put the word of the year all around my house as a reminder that God is with me and encouraging me to BELIEVE, RELAX or have JOY.

I forgot about choosing a word this year until I read an article about the four most powerful words to the Christian – THY WILL BE DONE.   One of my favorite songs is a song by Hillary Scott and her family titled “Thy Will Be Done”.  So I decided that would be my phrase for the year.

Then I forgot about it.

A few weeks later I was reading another book (Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly) and he has a chapter titled “Four Words”.  And what do you think those four words were?  You guessed it.  Thy Will Be Done.  A very subtle reminder from the Lord that He is in charge and I need to let Him work and trust Him.

I say the phrase daily now.  I bought the song and I pray the words constantly.  I WANT to mean it.  I try so hard to mean it.  I’m a work in progress but I’m letting go – again – and sitting back and watching His miraculous works. THY…WILL…BE…DONE.   Four little words.  Four hard little words.  But the most powerful four little words we can BELIEVE, RELAX with and find JOY in.