I was making bacon in the microwave this morning and thinking about how thankful I was that I could have crispy bacon in about 3 minutes versus the way I used to have to make bacon taking 30-40 minutes, grease popping all over the stove and having to be a slave over the frying pan turning those fatty strips every little bit.  I was so glad I didn’t have to wait that long for my bacon today.

It made me think of the smart phones and how we can get an answer to any question we have in a matter of seconds.  We were with our friends the other night and was trying to think of an actor’s name and my friend said “I will ask Siri” (for those who don’t know, Siri is the name of the automatic voice that you can ask questions to on the iPhone and it looks up the requested information.)  One of our other friends said, “I’m so glad we can get that answer right now instead of thinking about it all night and waking up at 2 a.m. saying ‘I remember who it is!'”

I was also reminiscing with my friend yesterday about our favorite food as kids.  I remember getting to have popcorn on weekends when mom would get out the big pan and put oil in the bottom and put the popcorn in and shake that pan back and forth over the gas stove until the popcorn was popped and then we could get a bottle of Coke to share among us.  Now we can buy popcorn already popped and bagged or we can put a flat bag in the microwave and push a setting marked “popcorn” and have fluffy, buttery popcorn within a few minutes.

It is amazing how our society has changed over the years and now gives us quick satisfaction to our needs and our questions in a matter of seconds.  Fortunately our God does not change like society does.  He can’t be put on speed dial or treated like “Siri” and expect immediate answers.  The Bible says in Psalm 27:14 – “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Hebrews 13:8 also encourages us  – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

The Israelites had to wait on God.  Job had to wait on God.  Mary and Martha waited on Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead.  There were many instances in the Bible of people waiting for God to answer prayers.  We still experience that today.  We still wait on God to answer prayers.

He’s not a microwave.  He’s not Siri.  He doesn’t change like the latest and greatest in technology.  We have to wait on Him today, just like people waited on Him in Bible times.  And although I don’t like to wait sometimes, I am sure glad that God is in control and knows all the answers.  I’m glad His plan is better than my plan.

Thank you Lord for popcorn, bacon, Siri and answered prayers……….yesterday, today and in the future FOREVER.