Don’t have your concert first and tune your instrument afterwards. – Hudson Taylor
In other words, don’t get up and take off running into your busy day without some fine tuning first. We need to tune our thoughts and attitude towards God and godly things as soon as we get up in the morning. We need to start our day with quiet time in prayer and scripture reading.
Sometimes we go barrelling head-first into the day with our own agenda, already hyperventilating for the day ahead and for the worries and hustle and bustle we have in front of us.
What if everyday we started out with reading a daily devotional and a few passages of scripture and spent 5 minutes in prayer asking God for direction for the day?
I challenge you to do this for the next 10 days. I hope you will see the immediate difference and realize waking up just a few minutes earlier each day can give your day a fresh start and take away all those anxieties. God’s already up and waiting for you.
Now go tune your instrument and get ready for the concert. It’s going to be a lovely show!
Challenge accepted…starting tomorrow.