I was sitting on my couch one evening and a movement in my backyard caught my eye.

You know how you see something out of the corner of your eye and it startles you?  You weren’t expecting it but when you look up it’s a pleasant surprise.

It was a beautiful deer.  She was just walking from the bean field where I’m sure she had grabbed a little forbidden dinner from the farmer’s crop.   🙂

She was walking along the path of the field and our yard into the freshly mowed edge of the woods.  My husband had just taken the tractor with the large mower blade deeper into the woods to create this beautiful path that seemed to lead to a small paradise of peace.  She was leisurely taking that path.

I was so excited to see her.  Just beautiful.  She was taking her time and I patiently watched her every move.  I couldn’t wait to see what she was going to do next.

Every morning when I get up as the sun is rising, I open the patio blinds to see if I can see her.  Most every evening, I sit on my glider on the back porch very quietly awaiting her return.  My husband and I sat a long while over the weekend just gliding and gazing toward the woods hoping to see a glimpse of her.

We can see evidence she is still there – footprints, mangled bean pods, wrestled sticks and patted down grass.  We know she’s still there even though we don’t see her every day.

I wish I was so calm and patient with God’s appearance.  Wouldn’t it be great to get as excited to get up each morning and each evening and just wait patiently to see God work?  I wish I had as much faith in seeing Him answer prayers as I do in seeing that deer reappear.

But if only we would look around!  We can see His footprints in our everyday life.  We can see where He’s been and sometimes a path to where He is going.  We don’t know when our situation will get better or when He will work again but we have promises that He is working everyday in every situation to bring good to us and honor and glory to Him.

Let’s look around today and see if we can see Him at work.  And if it doesn’t seem obvious, then let’s look around for His footprints and wrestling of sticks that lay in our path.  I guarantee that He’s here with us.  We just have to be aware to catch that glimpse out of the corner of our eye.