Thanks for holding my hand while I was letting go.    – Anonymous Quote

Sometimes letting go is the hardest whether it is letting your graduate go off to college, your teen go out driving for the first time, or your baby go off to kindergarten.

Letting go is hard when you are grieving – grieving a loss of a loved one, loss of a marriage or loss of picture-perfect future.

Letting go is hard when you realize you don’t have the energy you used to have,  look like you did years ago or do what you once could do.

Letting go of a dream or a goal is hard when it finally hits you that maybe your pursuit wasn’t what God wanted after all.

Letting go of habits and sin is hard when you realize you’re following the wrong thing, the wrong god, the wrong path.

But through it all………through all the LETTING GO, God holds your hand.  He will help you.  He will guide you.  He will hold you.  He will lead you.  He will squeeze you.

Don’t let go of His hand while letting go.