Five friends. A van. And a blindfold.

What a great adventure that was!  Our friend was turning 50 and we took her on a scavenger hunt.  The first few stops were visible.  But the last one….blindfolded.

Laughing and pulling the blindfold tight, we had a blast leading her on a journey of unexpected turns and stops.  As we pulled into the parking lot and guided the birthday girl to the destination surprise, the anticipation of what lay ahead was exciting.

A little claustrophobic and nervous, our friend admitted it was, at times, a bit scary and yet thrilling not knowing where we were going and having to trust the leaders on this adventure.

That’s the kind of trust Jesus wants from us.

We need to trust Him leading us on an adventure each day.  His ways and His destination are better than ours.  We may try to take the easiest and the fastest route but He wants to take us on a better route; one that’s scenic and educational.

No matter what the adventure, we need to relinquish control.  Is your blindfold hanging loose or will you pull it tight and trust the Guide?

Isaiah 55:8 -9 – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”  declares the Lord.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”