A couple of days ago I was out of town and was craving a hometown donut.  Schmidt Bakery in Batesville, Indiana has some of THE BEST donuts I have ever had but not available in North Carolina where I was visiting.

I had yogurt, eggs, English muffins, bananas, blueberry muffins or oatmeal for breakfast each morning.  But nothing was satisfying that craving for a donut.  On our way home, we stopped to get fuel for the vehicle and I even bought a donut from the display inside the gas station.  But after two bites, in the trash it went!  Nothing was satisfying that craving.

So… you guessed it.  On my way to work on Monday, back in the familiar, I stopped at Schmidt Bakery for a donut.  There it was… that savory taste that made my taste buds water.  That sweet taste of the glazed honey bun donut!  I ate that donut and enjoyed every bite and haven’t had to substitute since!  It satisfied the craving.

People today are looking to satisfy their craving for Christ in all kinds of areas.  They are looking for satisfaction and peace in all the wrong places.  We think having more money, shoes, clothes, or shiny things will bring us peace.  Maybe it’s unhealthy relationships that we keep going back to thinking it will get better and yet we are constantly in turmoil.  Maybe we turn to alcohol, drugs, food or even busyness.

The only thing that will satisfy our craving for peace is Christ.  Let’s stop trying everything else like the one-stop-shop-fuel-and-donut place.  Quit wasting time and “calories” and cry out to the only One who can give real peace.  Just say “Jesus” and He will satisfy that void.  Craving junk?  Nope.  Crave Jesus.