I pulled into the driveway 3 hours past my normal arrive-at-home time.
Wet from rain.

I actually took a deep breath and laid my head on the steering wheel dreading to go into this piled house that needed a good cleaning.

My life had been crazy lately.  Just a lot of things going on with work and feeling pulled in many different directions.

On one hand, I couldn’t wait to get inside and give my husband a hug and a kiss but on the other hand, I dreaded the chores awaiting me on the other side of that gray door.

I took the plunge and drug my exhausted, wrinkled-clothed, messy-haired body out of the car tugging my weighted-down computer bag on one arm and my  stuffed-to-the-max purse on the other and opened that gray door.  I put my baggage in the designated storage bin and went in to kiss my honey.

And oh what a sight for sore eyes – not only seeing Roger but he had picked up the house, ran the sweeper and swept the tile!  A hundred dozen roses couldn’t have made me happier than the act of cleaning up the house.

As we continue celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week, our challenge today is to look for something you can do to make life easier for someone else.  Maybe it’s babysitting a friend’s kids for a few hours or taking dinner to a working mom.  Maybe it’s taking one of the kids’ chores and doing it for them this week or taking out the garbage for your husband.

Whatever the act, know that you are making a difference in this world, one act of kindness at a time.