My cousin was driving home after traveling a couple of hours to pick up a couch his mother was giving to him and his wife.  It was a beautiful day and he was driving with the windows down enjoying the sunshine and listening to the radio.

While driving through a town not too far away from his house, he was surprised at how friendly all the people were as he was driving through.  He tells the story that almost everyone waved to him and he thought “this is the friendliest group of people I have ever seen driving through this town.”

He continued his drive home and backed up to the house to unload the couch.  What he saw in the back of the truck took his breath away.  To his surprise, what he saw was not his couch but rather just a frame and smoldering cushions.

You see, on the drive home, he had thrown his cigarette out the window and it landed on the couch and the wind fueled the fire and the “friendliest group of people he had ever seen” were really concerned citizens trying to tell him that the couch in the back of his truck was on fire!

This happened many years ago and we still get a laugh out of this story.  Yes, he was angry and no, there was nothing to do about it.  So… you might as well laugh a little!

Are you having a bad day or going through some worries and down times?  Look around; dig deep down in your memory; and find something to laugh about.  It will bring cheer to your soul.

Proverbs 17:22 – A cheerful heart is good medicine.

I hope today you can laugh so hard your ribs hurt a little!