There’s nothing like a party to get your house in order!  One year we had a family reunion at our house and we painted, did tons of yard work and house work just to get everything “so so”.  We wanted everything to be in tip-top shape when people came to visit.

Anytime I decide to leave the laundry in the basket and not do the dishes after dinner, inevitably that’s when we have house guests.  I can have the house clean and organized and not a soul comes to visit but as soon as I decide not to pick up or run the sweeper, that’s when unexpected guests arrive!!

I read one day that women really should not have their house spotless when they have guests over because it takes the pressure off of those who visit to not feel pressured to have their home spotless in order to invite you over.  I like that concept.  I want my home to be a relaxed and warm atmosphere where people are comfortable when they visit.

In our lives, we sometimes feel like we have to get our act together and make things perfect and give up all of our bad habits before we can ask Jesus into our lives.  We feel like our “house” has to be in order and spotless for Him to come and live in our heart.  But the truth is, Jesus doesn’t want you to clean up your house and THEN invite Him in because it will NEVER be clean enough to your standards.  Jesus wants you to invite Him in and THEN let HIM help you clean up your house – your heart.

For most of us, if we waited until everything in our house was spotless – both in the open and in the closets – we would never invite anyone over and we would miss out on so much fellowship and fun.  That’s what Jesus says.  Don’t miss out on blessings and peace and hope and joy because you are trying to make your heart spotless.  Just open the door and invite Him in.  There’s nothing like a party………..with the Holy Spirit…… get your house in order!