“Look, mommy!!! It’s a shirt!”
This was the response my 3-year-old great nephew had with every Christmas present he opened. He was so excited whether it was a shirt, pajamas, book or a Hot Wheels® racetrack. He took his time opening every present and enjoying each one.

As a matter of a fact, the adults were getting antsy and impatient watching him because he took his time opening each gift and taking every tiny piece of gift wrap off the box before opening the box or really evaluating what was inside.

Without knowing it at the time, he really was teaching us to take our time and enjoy the little things along the way. We really should look for God in all of the little gifts He gives us each day. We should gasp with awe and wonder as we unwrap each day.

Yesterday, I saw God in a baby fox as I drove to work. I stopped my car and just watched him walk and then trot through the snow-covered field. I saw God in the face of my daughter’s beautiful smile and I heard Him in the voice of my other daughter as she told about the good things in her day.

Look for Him today in the smallest of things. Yes, it’s cold in Indiana but I find Him in the simple fact of my car starting and my garage door opening. We can find Him in the water that runs from the faucet to the phone call from a friend. We can find Him in the pages of our Bible to the pews of our church to the people who make up our world.

Look for Him today and if you don’t see Him where you’re looking, pray for that person or place and ask Him to show Himself. Maybe our world will get just a little brighter when we start looking for Him in the little things.

Psalm 139:7-10 – Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.