Yes.  That is the story of my life.

On more than one occasion my husband has walked into the living room early morning to find me moving from one place to another, one shoe on while the other lays in waiting by the chair.

“Why is that” one might ask.

My answer……..distraction.

It’s true.  I get so distracted trying to do more than one thing at a time that I often forget to put both shoes on!

Many times, I find myself with all cabinet doors open, the dishwasher rack pulled out and water running in the sink while I stand in the laundry room with a can of soup, a beach towel and my toothbrush trying to remember what I went in there for.

I repeat……..story of my life.

But when I start my morning with the Bible on my lap and worship on my mind, I find the stillness of the Holy Spirit calms me.  My heart and my mind are at rest.

THAT should be the story of my life!

That’s what God wants for us each day.  Peace and calm.  Not chaos and craziness.  I want that…..every. single. day.

It’s going to take some focus, but I know I can do it ……one laced-up shoe at a time.