Nothing worse than being lied to.

And unfortunately, this time of year during voting season, it seems the lies are passed around like candy.

One party blames another while touting their own lies.  The accused creates their own lies to combat the accuser.  It snowballs – all this lying – until it becomes so big and so heavy that we give up digging through the dirt to find the truth.  We start distrusting everyone – even the truth-tellers.

And that’s not good.

But before we start pointing fingers, let’s look at our own lives.

Are we liars?  You.  Me.  Are we liars?

Maybe we don’t mean to be.  Maybe our intentions are the best but what about our follow through?

As I was having my quiet time this morning, I was convicted.  Like heavily convicted.  One of the studies I am doing is about Daniel and how committed he was to prayer.  He was so busy with daily responsibilities and excelled in his work that he was promoted and given greater and greater responsibilities until he was like a “prime minister” of Babylon.

Yet he still found time to pray – multiple times. Every. single. day.

When we tell someone we will pray for them, do we?
Do we mumble a quick prayer right then and never follow through with additional prayers?
If we say we will pray and then don’t do it, are we a liar?

That seems pretty harsh, but that’s the conviction the Lord gave me.  When I say I am going to pray, I not only need to stop and pray right then, but add it to a list and continue to pray for that request.  Then, I need to not only pray but follow up and check on the request for which I am praying.

Praying is a privilege awarded to every person.  And we can do it anywhere, any time.  If we are in a place where prayer isn’t allowed, we can still do it in our heart.

God loves to hear from us.  People need to know we are praying for them.

And we certainly don’t want to be “Pinoccchio Pray-ers”.

Be like Daniel.  Continue to live.  Continue to work.  But don’t forget to continue to pray.

Praying is a privilege.  Let’s take that honor seriously.

Ephesians 6:8 – And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.