Play-Doh®.  The coolest modeling clay for kids.  I loved playing with Play-Doh when I was younger and still love the feel of the soft, colorful clay in my hands.  We would make all kinds of creations from that clay.  We would make things look like food and then play restaurant.  We even had a Play-Doh ice cream maker kit where you put the clay in the top of the little machine, press the lever and out came pretend soft serve ice cream.

Play-Doh clay is still popular today but Lego® building blocks have certainly taken over the number one spot for creativity – at least for my great nephew.  He is so smart with these Lego creations.  He can put a kit together in record time and also make his own creations from his thousands of pieces of Lego blocks.

I am reminded daily of all the creative ideas for DIY projects and gifts when looking at the Pinterest® site.  Our minds are constantly creating ideas of things to do, places to go, projects to make.  Any thing you can imagine to create, you can find help on Pinterest.

If only we could have that mind of creativity to work alongside of the Creator, can you image what kind of world we could create!  Maybe not world peace as we think of it around the entire globe, but what about peace in our own little world at work or home?  What kind of joy could we share with others through kindness?  What kind of love can we show to those we consider our enemies?

Now the bigger question …what would you like to create with God today?  A stronger marriage?  A better environment at work?  A closer relationship with your parents?  A larger network of Christian friends?  A life full of spreading the word for what God has done for you?

Whether you are inspired by Play-Doh® clay, Lego® blocks or the Pinterest® app, ask God to help you build something special to create a world that shows His love to everyone you meet.  Who knows?  Your creation may just be displayed in the Museum of Spiritual Art.  🙂