Ask my daughters who makes the best bologna sandwiches of all time and they will tell you that hands down it was Grandma Young.  The World’s Best Bologna Sandwich consisted of two pieces of white bread, a piece of Eckrich® bologna, and Miracle Whip®.

You may ask what in the world could be so special about a simple bologna sandwich made of bread, bologna and dressing?   Was it that the bread was soft and fresh?  Was it that the bologna was fresh cut from the deli instead of removed from a prepackaged container?  Or was it the Miracle Whip versus plain old mayonnaise?

Or could it be the MAKER of the World’s Best Bologna Sandwich instead of the sandwich itself?  Every sandwich was made with the same brand of bread, the same kind of bologna, the same special amount of Miracle Whip… and an extra splash of love!

Yesterday was Grandma Young’s birthday and we all miss her very much.  Each one of us miss her for different reasons and more so at different times.  But my girls especially miss the extra tender loving care taken in making lunch by the Queen of the Bologna Sandwich.

Whatever task you are doing for someone – even the smallest everyday task – add a splash of TLC and make your special someone feel extra-special today.

Missing you, Genieve and having a bologna sandwich today in honor of you.