One of my favorite movies is The Santa Clause, starring Tim Allen who played Scott Calvin.   The background of the story is that the real Santa falls off of the roof of Scott Calvin’s house and then “disappeared” leaving only the Santa suit behind and since Scott put on the suit he became the real Santa.  He and his son, Charlie, rode Santa’s sleigh to the North Pole and had a great experience with all the elves on Christmas Eve.  They woke from their sleep at the North Pole to be back at their home with a year to prepare for the next Christmas when he would be the real Santa.  Scott was in denial but his son knew the truth and tried to convince his dad.  When all else failed, he threw the snow globe he had received from the head elf to his dad to look into and reflect on their experience so that  he would realize he was the real Santa.

When Charlie threw the snow globe to his dad, he said in frustration, “REMEMBER!”  As the story goes, when Scott Calvin looked into the snow globe he remembered his experience and knew that he was the real Santa!

I think about that scene a lot when Charlie yelled, “REMEMBER” as he threw his dad the snow globe.

I think there are times when God wants to yell “REMEMBER” to us!

*  REMEMBER what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross!   Mark 15:37.

* REMEMBER to let God take care of those who wrong us rather than trying to get revenge.   Romans 12:19.

* REMEMBER to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Mark 12:30-31.

* REMEMBER to be compassionate and forgiving.   Ephesians 4:32.

There is a lot to REMEMBER to live a Christ-like life.  But God has given you your own “snow globe” that helps you to REMEMBER.  It’s the Bible.  It has all the answers.  We just need to “shake it up” and study it and ask God to help us REMEMBER.  Then as Scott Calvin had a great big smile on his face when he remembered who he was after looking in the snow globe, you, too can have the peace and joy as you REMEMBER who you are after studying God’s word.

You’re not Santa, but REMEMBER –  you are a child of the one for who Christmas is all about!!