I was in line at the grocery store and heard a lady behind me respond to the traditional “how are you today?” with this response:  “Same ship.  Different Day.”

That really stuck with me.  And actually made me a little sad.  Yes things may be the same generally in our life – job, kids, friends, cooking, cleaning, maybe homework, paying the bills, going to the grocery store.  But it doesn’t have to be boring and mundane.

We can take the ordinary and make it extra-ordinary.  Who says we can’t try a new recipe, clean differently, whistle while we work, listen to music while we clean, take a walk in the sunshine and laugh with an old Carol Burnette episode?

Please don’t think today is just the same ship but a different day.  Find a new way to make the day different.  I have a saying taped on my mirror that says “Life is too short to live the same day twice.”

There are so many things in this world to do.  There are so many things in your state, your community, your house that can be enjoyed differently.  Here are a few examples:

*Go to the local library and read the newest edition of a magazine you have always wanted to read.  Or pick up a new book or see what free programs are coming.

*Go to the park and eat lunch on a picnic table.
*Ride your bicycle.
*Take a walk and just enjoy the beauty of outside.
*Cook a new recipe for dinner and look for a new dessert on Pinterest.
*Google the state you live in and see what the highlights are and then visit them one at a time.
*Send a card to a friend.
*Call your relative who lives far away.
*Visit your neighbor.
*Buy yourself some flowers.  Or buy some flowers for someone else.
*Clean the house with upbeat music playing.
*Fold laundry and pray for those whose clothes you are folding.
*Read a book on your shelf that has been there a while just waiting for you.
*Hit a few golf balls in the back yard.
*Swing on a swing.  Find a buddy to teeter totter with.
*Put out a bird feeder.
*Sit on the porch.
*Read the first four books of the New Testament and see how Jesus lived each day differently.
*Read Psalm 66 – an encouraging Psalm that reminds us God rules!

Just because you have the same job or same situation or same duties, doesn’t mean you have to get bogged down and depressed by the mundane.  Find sunshine and joy in the day.  It may be the same ship and a different day, but put your sails higher, crank up the motor and sail to new places.  Today.  Tomorrow.  And each different day.

Psalm 66:1 – Shout with joy to God, all the earth!  Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious!