The Helmet Controversy.

In organized athletics, there are rules around what kind of helmets are acceptable.  With so many concussions over the years, standards have certainly increased.  Regulations are in place for helmets used in professional to youth sports.

Some athletes want to keep their own helmets from the past instead of upgrading to a newly regulated, safer helmet.  It’s caused some controversy.

You may ask, “why do they need to be regulated”?  The answer:  to protect the person from harming their physical body and their brain.

In the Christian world, we need to be wearing our own helmets.  The helmet of salvation.

When the Rival comes after us to harm our mind and our thoughts, we need to be protected.  When worry sets in and our minds look ahead at what could happen or we start thinking unchristian-like thoughts, we need to be ready to combat that with thoughts of the Spirit and to take our thoughts captive and turn them over to the Lord.   We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  II Corinthians 10:5(b).

Continuing with our series of protecting ourselves against the Rival, we look at the scriptures in Ephesians 6:17 where Paul tells us to take the helmet of salvation to put on as a part of our armor of God to protect ourselves against the devil and to be able to stand firm in our salvation.

The Rival wants to take us down but like the regulated helmets in the NFL, our helmet of salvation will protect us from his evil schemes.

My mind is protected.  My helmet is on.  Salvation WILL win this battle.  Bring it on, Rival.  We’re smashing you with our strong helmet!