I drive to work and see signs of spring everywhere – buttercups along the side of the road, baby calves running after their mommas, buds on the trees and freshly mowed lawns.

The sun shines bright.  The daylight hangs around a little longer.  People are walking their dogs and jogging to get their steps in with a new bounce in that step!

We start planning new landscaping and where the flowers will be planted once Mother’s Day rolls around.  Easter is not far off and visions of Easter eggs and baskets are crossing our mind. Spring rains fall steady and umbrellas grace the landscape.

It seems like such a freshness.  I love every season but spring is one of my favorites.  We leave the winter where it is cold and dark (even though I love snow and the magic of Christmas).  But I think leaving that cold and dark is why I love spring so much and why it seems like a fresh new start.

When things look down and out and bleak for you, look for the spring.  When you feel lonely, depressed or worried, that’s the winter.  We don’t want to stay in winter.  We want to find the spring in each day.

I was having a down day on Monday so I went and bought a beautiful bouquet of Gerber daisies, my favorite flower!  I put on some of my favorite music and ate a bite of chocolate! Then I began praying for God to lead me into spring.  Lead me into newness, excitement and joy.

If you are still living in the dark and cold of “winter”, it’s time to find some “spring”.  Today do something you enjoy; buy yourself some flowers; have an ice cream cone; dance around the kitchen; ride your bike; take a walk; swing in the swing.  And best of all, ask the creator of the Spring to send you a little sunshine!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 – There is….a season for every activity under heaven.