It’s beautiful in southeast Indiana today.  I woke up to birds chirping and my little wind chimes gently clinging.  I came to the couch to have my quiet time and look out the patio doors and see the most beautiful bright red bird.  Just gorgeous.  The sun is peaking through the trees and robins are hopping along the patio.  Driving around yesterday I saw other signs of spring – blankets of daffodils, freshly mowed lawns, new buds on trees and tulips around a flagpole.

Spring is just refreshing.  It’s like we get a new start.  Whether you want to spring clean or spring into your outside exercise plan, it’s a great time of year!

It’s a beautiful day.  It makes me want to sing… and skip… and ride my bike… and swing… and do sidewalk chalk… and fly a kite.  You’re not too old.   You’re not too young.  You’re just right.  Take time today  to stop….. and breathe in the smells….. and focus on the sights of spring!

This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it!  Psalm 118:24 (NLV)