She stood tall and sturdy as if she was the boss of the parking lot.
Always steady and dependable.
Blooming where she was planted.
Flourishing in the summer sun.
Showing off her colors at the change of the season.
And brushing snowflakes on her branches to captivate her beauty.

But the weight of the winter vapor was too heavy for her.
Different from other years, this year her leaves had stayed longer than usual.
This must have been the cause – the heavy liquid turning to ice and weighing down her branches.

And then sometime in the middle of the night, it became overwhelming.
The weight of the winter world on her shoulders.
She twisted and bent until the pressure was too much.
And all the years of shade, breeze and beauty she provided and hopes for a repeated future were wiped away by one heavy storm.  It was unbelievable what too much weight can do to trees.

Sometimes our lives can feel that way.

We provide hope, dependability, comfort and love to those around us.

We give and give.  But the weight of the world is just too much; the storm has lasted what seems like eternity.  Until one day we think we are going to break.

But I’m here to tell you…. DON’T GIVE IN.  Don’t let the weight of the world split your life, your marriage, your friendships, your relationships or your faith.

No matter what is thrown your way, God promises that He will never give us more than we can handle.

I Corinthians 10:13 – No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

With this in mind, let me encourage you today to stand tall like the original pear tree and keep your roots planted in the solid foundation of Truth of the Bible.  Never let the stress of the devil or the evils of the world cause you to break your trust in the Lord.  Fight back.

Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the devil and the evils of this world.  (Ephesians 6:12)

It can be tough some days but remember God is tougher.  Let Him prune you, shape you and protect you with His mighty hand.  And then stand firm in faith and show the world the colors of His promises!